Weekly Schedule

*WE WILL BE CLOSED AGAIN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17th. We will open again on Tuesday, the 18th at 5:15 for the evening classes.

Doors will be locked during class, effective January 31st, 2022. Drop-ins are $30; however, we offer 3 discounted $15 drop-in classes every Monday at 5:30, Tuesday at noon, and Saturday at noon, which are cash only. Loaner mats, blocks, blankets, and pillows are available for everyone! We offer yoga, meditation, and energy healing courses.  We also offer yoga teacher training and energy therapy certification. Please read class descriptions for more information.

Are you new to the studio? Enjoy BOGO punch cards! Purchase any punch card and receive the equivalent FREE.


$15 Drop-In



Core Yoga / Krista
12:15 - 1:00 PM

Similar to Pilates, core yoga places an emphasis on strengthening and stretching abdominals and hips. A strong core is key for mastering some of the more challenging asanas.

Yin Yoga/ Krista
5:30 - 6:30 PM


This class is focused on “yin” tissues and brings perfect balance to the more “yang” lifestyles most people practice. Postures are held for up to five minutes with support from props. It can be equally challenging to both body and mind. The class is only $15 (cash only)

Self-Realization/ Krista
6:45 - 7:30 PM


This is what yoga is—the science of self-realization. This class is designed to guide you into mastery of the mind. Homework will be assigned each week, with exercises intended to help increase focus, concentration, presence, and mindfulness. This will be a gym for the brain. Class starts January 6th.


Energy Healing & Yoga for Beginners / Megan
12:00 - 1:00 PM (This is now a $15 class)

Transform your day with an invigorating daily routine. Focus on key pressure points, release blockages, and restore balance to your energy flow. This chair-friendly class is great for beginners learning more about energy systems and gentle yoga. (we are up two flights of stairs)

Hypnosis for Weight Loss /Krista 4:15 - 5:00 PM (NEW- Starts March 18th)

Can you think yourself skinny? We’re going to find out. Join us every Tuesday for guided meditations focusing on healthy eating, boosting metabolism, and achieving an ideal weight.

Vinyasa Flow & Wall Work / Krista
5:30 - 6:30 PM

Moderate energetic flow with a calming end.

Energy Medicine for Anxiety / Krista
6:45 - 7:30 PM


This energy healing class provides numerous techniques to be used in real-time to immediately alleviate stress, anxiety, and other uncomfortable emotions as well as process trauma Tapping, meridian, and neurovascular processing are all used here.


Energy Healing & Meditation/  Krista
12:15 - 1:00

We will explore new techniques for healing energy systems and the mind each week. By healing ourselves, we can make an impact on the world.

Yoga for Endurance / Krista
5:30 - 6:30 PM


This slow, methodical class will challenge you, but help with understanding the mechanics of many poses..


Meditation for Stress & Anxiety / Krista
6:45 - 7:15

Join us for a guided meditation to soothe your nerves and bring peace into this chaotic world.



Integrative Somatic Flow / Shirley
12:00 - 1:00 PM

This gentle vinyasa will feel like a mindful, moving massage for the entire body-mind. Through awareness of sensation and the body’s innate wisdom release into feelings of balance, alignment, wholeness, and rejuvenation as you “flow”.

Hip-Opening Flow / Krista
5:30 - 6:30 PM

Thursday evening is all about hips! This vinyasa will layer hip stretches throughout the vinyasa.

Restorative Yoga for Hip Flexors / Krista
6:45 - 7:30 PM


The exercises are designed to release trauma from the physical body. Anytime you respond to events with “fight or flight” you fire up your hip flexors. This class will leave you feeling peaceful and ready for a good nights sleep!


Parent/Kid Partner Yoga / Megan $15 drop-in
4:00-4:35 PM

Our fun and interactive partner yoga class is designed for kids and parents to enjoy the benefits of doing yoga together! A great way to promote bonding, trust, and communication while improving flexibility and balance.

$10 drop-in fee for kids yoga

Energy Exercises for Empaths/ Krista
5:30-6:30 PM

This class includes exercises to protect the biofield, balance meridians, and build resilience and joy no matter what life circumstances are. It can also help enhance intuitive abilities. Beginners are welcome.


Core Yoga  / Krista
10:45- 11:45 AM

A fun and challenging core class! Get ready for an extended chair at the wall and use the roller and block. A strong core is needed for more challenging asanas and is also good for back problems.

Creative Flow / Megan
12:00 - 1:00 PM


A slow, meditative class combining Hatha and Vinyasa. This is our third discount class of the week. $15 Cash only.


Yoga for Endurance  / Krista
10:45 - 11:45 AM

Back by popular demand! This slow, physically challenging class will help you perfect the mechanics of some of the most common asanas, leaving you centered and ready for the rest of your day.


Strength and Flexibility  / Jessie
12:00 - 12:45 PM

Starting March 9th! This class is challenging if you want to build strength and flexibility. This class is for all levels and has different modifications to fit your needs. As we age, our mobility is more restricted. Stretching out tight muscles can help with posture and make you less prone to injuries.


Yin Yoga  / Krista 
1:30 - 3:00 PM


Takes place every Sunday! Working with the connective tissue in joints, poses are passively held with much support from props. This class is one hour of yin yoga followed by thirty minutes of guided hypnosis. Hypnosis topics range from forgiveness, inner peace, chakra healing, to regression and creating your own luck.